Membrane roofing at St. Barbaraea Square in Bytom

Abastran Sp. z o.o. has made a light membrane roof on St. Barbarae's Square in Bytom. The facility is to be used by the local community to organize small concerts and cultural events. On the other side of the concrete wall, climbing handles were mounted. The project was carried out as part of the revitalization of the Rozbark district.

Year: 2019

Location: Bytom

Area: 90.0 m2

Material: VERSEIDAG TXA-900F

Construction: Abastran Sp Z. O. O.

General Contractor: GIJO KAPSA sp. k.

Scope: Execution of static calculations with reactions transmitted to the reinforced concrete wall structure, workshop project for steel structure, foundations, and membrane with fabric compensation testing, delivery and installation of steel structure


In 2019, as part of the revitalization of the Rozbark district in Bytom, a modern membrane roofing was installed at St. Barbara’s Square. This project, carried out by Abastran Sp. z o.o. in cooperation with the general contractor GIJO KAPSA sp. k., covered an area of 90.0 m² and aimed to create a multifunctional space for the local community.


The roofing was made of VERSEIDAG TXA-900F material, known for its durability and resistance to weather conditions. The steel structure of the roofing was designed to harmoniously blend with the urban character of the square, while providing protection from the sun and rain during events. The facility is primarily intended for organizing small concerts, cultural meetings, and other social initiatives, serving as a significant element enriching the city’s cultural life.


On the other side of the concrete wall, which is an integral part of the roofing, climbing grips were installed, further enhancing the place’s functionality and creating new opportunities for physical activity for residents. This versatility makes St. Barbara’s Square a center of local community activity, combining recreational, sports, and cultural functions.


The implementation of this project is part of a broader plan to revitalize the Rozbark district, aiming to improve the quality of life for residents and revitalize this part of the city through infrastructure supporting cultural and social development. The roofing at St. Barbara’s Square in Bytom not only aesthetically enhances the space but also practically supports the local community by providing a venue for organizing various events.


The roofing project at St. Barbara’s Square in Bytom is an example of how modern architectural solutions can effectively contribute to the regeneration of urban areas, creating spaces that are both beautiful, functional, and socially engaging.


For the construction of the roof, we used VERSEIDAG TXA-900F material, which is known for its high durability and resistance to weather conditions. This material provides protection from rain and sun, and is also easy to maintain.

Zadaszenie zostało zaprojektowane przede wszystkim z myślą o organizacji niewielkich koncertów i wydarzeń kulturalnych. Stanowi ono centralny punkt dla spotkań społeczności lokalnej, umożliwiając różnorodne aktywności kulturalne i rekreacyjne.

Yes, the material used guarantees the longevity of the structure and excellent acoustic properties, which is crucial during music events. The canopy effectively protects against adverse weather conditions while improving the acoustic experience.

Climbing handles have been installed on the adjacent concrete wall, which extends the functionality of the space with the possibility of physical activity. This multi-functionality attracts a diverse audience and adds to the attractiveness of the square.

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