Spectacular stage in Kobierzyce

We have prepared a construction and executive design for the roofing of a stage for a sports and cultural facility in Kobierzyce.

Year: 2015

Location: Kobierzyce, Poland

Area: 215m2

Material: easyASM 112 PVC membrane

Construction: Abastran sp z o. o.

Scope: construction design, detailed design


In 2015, a construction and executive design was completed for the roofing of the stage for the sports and cultural facilities in Kobierzyce. Abastran sp z o. o. was responsible for the entire project, from the basics, through the supporting structure, to the membrane covering.


The easyASM 112 PVC membrane used guarantees durability and resistance to various weather conditions, which makes the roof an ideal solution for the whole year. The roof consists of a solid steel structure supporting a membrane which, when stretched against the structure, is the main load-bearing element. The entire structure covers an area of ​​215 m², with maximum plan dimensions of 24.55 m x 22.19 m, and its maximum height measured from the ground level is approximately 9.82 m.


The easyASM 112 PVC membrane was used for construction, which is known for its high resistance to external factors and durability.

The main purpose of the roof is to protect the stage against rain, sun and other weather conditions, which enables the organization of cultural and sports events all year round.

The roof consists of a strong steel structure supporting a tension membrane, which serves as the main load-bearing element. The structure is designed to ensure maximum stability and durability.

The total roof area is 215 m², with maximum dimensions of 24.55 m x 22.19 m. The maximum height of the structure is approximately 9.82 m.

The PVC membrane requires minimal maintenance, mainly consisting of periodic cleaning to maintain its aesthetic appearance and functionality.

The main challenges were the design and construction of the roof, which had to be both functional and aesthetically adapted to the surroundings of the sports and cultural facility building.

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