Membrane Roofing for Sports Stadium Stands

Year: 2019

Location: Tomaszów Mazowiecki

Area: 363m2

Construction: Abastran Sp Z. O. O.

General Contractor: HOBEN


The roofing of the stands at ul. Nowowiejska sports facility is a modern membrane structure designed to provide protection against various weather conditions throughout the year. This structure features a maximum height of 3.95 square meters, ensuring effective protection for both spectators and the stands themselves from rain, snow, or strong sunlight.


The membrane used in the construction is highly resistant to UV and other external factors, ensuring its durability and minimizing the need for frequent maintenance. By using lightweight yet durable materials, the roofing blends perfectly with the modern character of the sports facility without excessively burdening the stands’ structure.


This roofing not only enhances the comfort of the facility’s users but also serves as a significant architectural element, enhancing the aesthetic value and functionality of the place. This project combines modern construction technologies with a focus on the highest standards of safety and comfort for users.


The roofing was made from high-quality membrane materials that are resistant to UV radiation and other atmospheric factors. These membranes ensure the durability of the structure and minimize the need for maintenance.

The canopy is designed for year-round use and is characterized by high durability. The membrane materials used are resistant to various weather conditions, which translates into the longevity of the structure.

The roof is designed to protect the spectators from adverse weather conditions such as rain, snow or strong sun. In addition, it improves the aesthetics of the sports facility and increases the comfort of users.

Thanks to the use of modern membrane materials, the roof requires minimal maintenance. These materials are self-cleaning, which means that precipitation washes away most of the dirt.

Yes, similar solutions can be used in different types of sports facilities. The design and dimensions of the roof can be adapted to the specific needs of a given facility.

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